
The Hitmaker

Post from SB19 Official on Twitter (X)

This May 2024, Pablo was once again hailed as the VPCA Composer of the Year for their group's global hit, Gento. It was his third win in the same category, which was made possible by A'tin and Hatdogs. In 2022 and 2023, he won the same award for their other hit songs, Mapa and WYAT (Where You At). This is the kind of award that our Pinuno very well deserves. But what makes Pablo a great songwriter?

From the first song he co-wrote, Tilaluha, to the massive hit Gento, Pablo's writing skills, impeccable wordplay, and use of metaphors make him stand out. Even when stripped of the musical instruments and background effects, the lyrics of each song he made still have depth and meaning. The references he uses, the way he allows the listeners to use their imagination, and his ability to make one feel emotions are overwhelming, to say the least.

Take Mana, a song inspired by a Filipino mythical creature called 'manananggal' that can separate its upper body from its lower half and fly in the sky at night to hunt for prey. In the song, Pablo used this reference to promote the message of humility. "Mata sa langit, paa sa lupa." is a famous saying within the SB19 fandom. Then there's Bazinga, a song dedicated to their haters. Talk about turning negativities into positive energy. These two songs introduced what Pablo could really do in a song when he puts his mind to it.

Photo from SB19 Official on Twitter (X)

Photo from SB19 Official on Twitter (X)

Bazinga shocked the world and topped the Billboard Hot Trending Songs. It was well received by so many people, but let's not forget the song that brought people's attention back to our PPOP Kings. After their hiatus during the pandemic, SB19 released What? and soared so high by charting in iTunes, Deezer, Spotify, Myx, and YouTube. It also garnered more than a million views in less than 24 hours. The song is such an anthem that would electrify your patriotism and love for the country. 

 Speaking of the pandemic, we all missed connecting to people, talking to our families and friends in person, and going out. We all had to give these things up to ensure our safety, and we surely rejoiced when it was announced that the lockdown was finally over. SB19 felt the same, especially Pablo, who was used to being with his family constantly, so they released WYAT (Where You At), and it was such a groovy song. It talks about reconnecting, and well, we all need that, don't we? With how fast the world changes, it's easy for us to forget the things that matter most, and WYAT is an excellent reminder to sometimes take a step back and remember.

Photo from SB19 Official on Facebook

Of course, after everything the pandemic has caused us, we all need a hype song, and what could top Crimzone? This is the absolute hype beast! Pablo created a hype song about hard work and perseverance with the help of his co-members Josh and Ken and his real-life brother Josue. And, of course, the golden child, Gento. It took the world by storm, and Pablo was the sole creator of this massive hit song that brought them their first Billboard Digital Sales Chart

Photo from Billboard PH

But Pablo is not only known for his lyrical prowess in creating groovy and fantastic hype songs. When he decides to go emotional, it is almost impossible for the listeners not to feel the music. First and most notable of all is Mapa, a tribute to all the parents, guardians, and anyone who is doing their best to guide the youths in their care. It has the most emotional lyrics, telling those who have worked and sacrificed so much for us that it's time for them to rest, that we now have this. It's time for us to take care of them. Looking further back, during the pandemic, Ikako saved so many lives and hearts from depression by telling us that we are not alone. And who could forget Nyebe? It was one of Pablo's hidden gems that the Hatdogs hoped he would release as his solo song, but their singing it together gave the song a whole different flavor and emotion.

Photo from Wiki

Ilaw was another heart wrenching song about a person's struggle to be true to oneself when the world doesn't seem to care. This song tackles a societal issue that is constantly experienced not just by celebrities but by everyone. Oftentimes, we tend to bottle up our emotions because people don't really care. They may listen to you rant all day, but only a few of them would genuinely pay attention.

"Sino ba'ng may tenga sa mga bulong ko?
Kahit pa 'ko'y sumigaw ay malabo, oh
Tao po, pakinggan niyo naman ako
Bakit 'di niyo subukang buksan ang bukas namang pinto?
Nang tuluyan nang makita niyo tunay na ako
'Di nagtatago sa likod ng bumubulag na ilaw na 'to"

Who has ears for my whispers? Even if I scream, it's unclear. Listen to me. Why won't you open a door that's already open? So you could see the real me, not hiding behind the blinding lights.

Dang! If that doesn't hit hard? I don't know what would.

Credits to:
1. Pablo Artist Page: Wiki
2. SB19 Artist Page: Wiki
3. PhilStar: Website
4. Press A'tin: Facebook

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Charged To Lead

This is the kind of smile that A'tin never wants him to lose. A smile that resonates with everyone and uplifts the people around him. Th...