
Our Savior


They say music is universal. It transcends time, breaks language barriers, and touches even the hardest and coldest heart. Pablo proved it was true. With every song he creates, either for the group or for himself, he pours his heart into all of them. Each word is like a loving, caring, and nurturing hand that touches our hearts. From the song Go Up that inspired us to keep going no matter how hard life is, to all the songs in SB19's Pagtatag EP, there is a song written by Pablo that represents our struggles in life.

His mind for writing music is like a mirror that shows us what we've been hiding or trying to forget. He can dredge the darkest waters of our past to make us realize the most important lessons out of them. When we feel like we finally hit the end of our road, his music is there, telling us that it's the darkness that makes us think it is the end. All we have to do is keep walking, no matter how dark it is. He may still not have realized it until now, despite the many messages and testament from A'tin, but it is true. His music saved many lives, and it still does.

But it wasn't just his music that inspired us all. The moment Sejun graced the world, his personality and the way he smiled made many people happy. His positive outlook in life, manners, and how he carries himself give us someone to look up to. His innocence and authenticity are a breath of fresh air amid the pretentious world of entertainment. Many may see him as strict and sassy, sometimes with an attitude, but those only made him more real. He doesn't care about what people say to him, and would never compromise his true self to meet people's expectations. We ought to be more like him.

Over the years, Pablo developed his confidence, and his authoritative aura came out, which suits him perfectly. His eyes, no matter how innocent they seem hold a power that is hard to describe. When you look into those lovely orbs, it feels like being drawn to a fire. No matter how dangerous you know it is, it's hard to resist. His eyes are a trap, and there is no escaping. Yet who would want to escape from those beautiful eyes that hold an ocean of emotions?

In this world full of toxic masculinity, Pablo is a testament that being a man doesn't mean toxicity, power hunger, or control. His fashion style speaks volumes to his personality and character. He is not scared to show his feminine side, the soft part of him that makes him whole. He wears skirts like it's nobody's business and rocks them on a regular basis. Most men wouldn't even use products they think are feminine because their male ego couldn't take it, but not Pablo.

The wonder of it all is that no matter how he wears his skirts, it could never make him look any less of a man. More often than not, his wearing skirts accentuates his masculinity even more. Not a lot of men have the guts or the right physical features to pull off something like this. The believers of Greek mythology would agree that Hermes and Aphrodite blessed Pablo for his balanced beauty. He is both handsome and beautiful in every angle, something you wouldn't see that often. His blessed beauty is rare, and it is a perfect work of art.

However, more than his physical appearance, it is the joy he brings to many people that makes him one of a kind. Indeed, he's not always on social media, but we all know how busy he is, and when he finally finds the time, you can expect that his posts or comments will either make you think or laugh. He is not the typical idol who would romance us or flirt with us, not that it's wrong, but Pablo prefers to share words of wisdom or get our brain cells working. This is something we don't see or experience often, which is why the type of supporters that gravitate toward him are commonly those who enjoy anything intellectual.

This man deserves to be known by the whole world for his music is the kind of salvation many people need. It's hard to open up about our feelings and hardships, especially when we've been burned many times by the people we trusted the most. So we close ourselves up and suffer alone, even if our hearts can't take it anymore. For these types of people, music is the one thing that can give them solace and strength. The songs they listen to help them get out of bed in the morning and fight through life. On this day, we celebrate the birth of an incredible man who helped us believe that life is worth living for.

Some of his fans have been kind enough to share their messages for Pablo, and even with these few messages, we can feel the love they have for him. He inspires people and in turn, they give him their love, admiration, and support. A'tin and Hatdogs have been taught good manners, logic, humility, and kindness, and it shows in most of their actions. It is fascinating to witness one man inspire and mold thousands if not millions of people through his music and character. We are truly lucky to be alive in the same timeline as him. A man who wears his heart out in the open and is never afraid to show his true colors. He is a role model, and a hero to many, and he is the light that guides those who are lost.


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Pinunong PABLO