

Photo from PABLO's IG


Have you ever fallen so deeply with someone that you literally can't breathe whenever he or she is not around? When you know that you hurt that person's heart, it terrifies you. They say that's true love, but how would we know? What is the parameter to identify being in love? One thing is for sure, losing someone we love is one of the most painful experiences in life.

We've heard a lot of beautiful love stories from people who found love unexpectedly and were fortunate enough to keep it for life. They were the lucky ones. People who found their 'soulmate' and spent the rest of their lives happy and fulfilled. Not everyone is this fortunate. Many of us thought we found love that would last a lifetime, only to have our hearts broken into a million tiny pieces. This heartache inspired Pablo to write this song fourteen years ago.

Can you imagine a teenage boy doting over a young girl and learning what it feels to have his heartbroken at a very young age? During his guest performance at Josh's concert, he worked on the song for a long time, and now it's finally out.

I've been sharing, loving all this time
And I feel, I feel perfectly fine
You said, "You love me" and that's alright
But you can't, you can't look in my eyes

When you fall in love, this is the most terrifying part—the knowledge that one day, the loving stares you used to get from the person who made you happy the most will be gone. We don't ever want it to happen but we also know that it's not impossible. There are moments when we are plagued with this possibility that we would look into their eyes just to see if the same spark is still there. No matter how many I love you we hear, that look is the only thing that could give us peace.

And now you're mad, I don't know what to do
All I know is that girl, I love you
There's not a thing that I won't do
I would even give my life for you

They say love is sacrifice. The willingness to give up everything for the person you cherish the most, but even that can't guarantee that we would never be left alone. No amount of sacrifice could make a person who wants to leave stay, but this won't stop us from giving all we have to please the person we love. Until when? When would it end? How much pain are we willing to take?

You see, they say, "There's a lot of women in this world"
But don't you know that you are all that I see
And baby, what I'll feel when you leave it'll be like drowning in the water
Faster and after, breathing gets harder

When our hearts truly beat for love, no matter how dark their past were, how horrible their presents are,  or what the people around us say, nothing else matters. Our eyes are only for them, sometimes even our smiles. The brutal truth is that even when we should have seen it all, we are blinded from the truth that we should've ran away. You know what's funny? It's the fact that even when we know we should have left them, the pain of being left alone is far worse. Yet who could blame us for being so madly in love?

I kept tryin' but I know deep inside
That I've been, I've been living a lie
Thought holding onto you would do me right
I was wrong 'cause you're long gonе, while I, mm-mm

Sometimes we try to hold on to relationships that should have ended a long time ago. Maybe it's because of our fear of being left alone or our hopefulness, but we tend to hang on even when it was already clear as day that we should have let go. Most of the time, we already know what we should do but we refuse to do it because we keep telling ourselves that things would change eventually. There's nothing wrong in holding on and hoping, but we should never lose sight of reality.

Was waiting, hoping that you'll break my fall
Now I'm broken and it's all my fault
Still pick thе pieces just to give my all
And if living life's without you, what for?

There are times when we depend our happiness, or worse our lives on the people we love. This is why we feel we would die if we lose them, but we won't. Life will continue even after their gone, and all we can do is pick up the pieces of our broken selves and try to move on. The problem is, after picking up ourselves, we tend to give it back to the same people who broke us in the first place. Perhaps that is what love is, who knows? 

'Cause you're everything to me
And I'm drowning, can't you see?
Without you, without you
I can barely, barely breathe

Falling in love is the most beautiful and painful thing one could experience. For better or worse, it changed many lives, and it sure changed Pablo's. This song is one of the most beautiful ballads of today's generation. A song written by a fourteen-year-old boy who probably experienced heartache for the first time. His God-given talent had always been potent, and after years of experience, it had only gotten better. Here's to hoping for more beautiful masterpieces from a wonderful and talented artist.

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