

Photo from PABLO's IG


Writing a diss track is hard, but writing a clean diss track is harder. but Pablo does it like it's just another Tuesday. This man can burn anyone with his words and if the other person is not as intellectually capable, he wouldn't even realize it. That's how great he is as a lyricist. He has mastered the art of wordplays, metaphors, and idiomatic expression, and he's using his capability to create wonderful music. Which artist, legendary or otherwise, would two albums one week apart and announce a mall tour out of the blue? To top it off, drop the news of provincial tours during the last stop of his three-leg tour?

Pablo did all that and still managed to perform his obligations as the CEO of 1z Entertainment and leader of SB19. His songs are consistently gaining traction and his monthly listeners on Spotify and his followers his social media accounts are increasing. While his official first album, ALON was full of emotion and deep messages about life, emotional, and, mental struggles, LAON album was full of grit, courage, hope,  liveliness. Let's start with the first track on his second album.

Neumun is probably from new moon, a moon phase that is commonly known as the time to initiate new beginnings and the end of what came before. It symbolizes fresh starts and the potential for growth or transformation. That says a lot about who Pablo is as a person. A man and artist who always promotes kindness and positivity even towards the people who had only shown him wickedness—the haters.  With this firs track on his second album, he showed a different side of him. A side, surely, many of his Hatdogs had been wanting to see. The fearless, ruthless side of him that can stand his ground and remain elegant at the same time.

I'ma drop it on
You soon like a monsoon, you don't wanna know
Full moon, I go vroom, vroom like a Harley's engine
You better move, move, might just run you over
Lucky you, I'm sober
 but I'll run you over

Just on the chorus alone, Pablo already used four references. I'ma drop it on you soon like a monsoon can be a reference to how someone's anger once he's done with patience is. Patient and kind people are terrifying to cross because there is no telling how far they'd go to get even. People like this are absolutely unpredictable like a monsoon. Full moon, I go vroom, vroom could be a reference about how full moon is commonly known in many lore as the reason why people and other creatures snap and go insane, hence the term lunacy. Harley's engine may be a reference to his love for motorcycles, not to mention Harley motorcycles are iconic and fast. Might just run you over, and I'll run you over are road terms for crashing a vehicle onto someone or something, but it can also be used as a term that means you will not hesitate to go toe to toe against someone.

Hey, what you doing here?
Ah, I just hit the brakes and
Now, I'm on my way neutral gear, yeah
Fear to interfere 'cause when you poke a sleeping bear
Don't expect a "hi" will run you over
Hope you meet our Maker (Will run you over)
And Marley from Jamaica (Will run you over)
Guess I will see you later
But if I don't then if it's you fault for being a hater!
You made you!

On the first verse, we got the teasing and elegantly insulting version of the singer. Hey, what you doing here? Ah, I hit the breaks and now, I'm on my way neutral gear could mean that the person he's talking about only managed to catch because he stopped or slowed down. Fear to interfere 'cause when you poke a sleeping bear, don't expect a "hi"  is a reference to what wise people remind us about. Be careful who you mess with because you have no idea what they are capable of. Hope you meet our maker could have a double meaning. One meaning could be that singer is giving the hater a chance to see the error of his ways. The other meaning could be the more brutal and literal one. Then he followed it up with And Marley from Jamaica who is also known as a kind person and intelligent person, so he probably meant more about the hater learning his mistakes. Finally, he ended the verse by putting the blame to the hater because who else is there to blame? We choose how we react to the things around. If we become hateful, that is definitely our choice.

Disengage, disengage!
Just another empty stage
People filling empty space
Then full of it on empty days
Blood is rising up, veins, popping out
New moon, just back me up
'Cause we don't want to get there hurricane

On the pre-chorus, Pablo started by saying Disengage, disengage! possibly referring to engaging to haters and trolls online. Within the A'tin fandom, it is known that SB19 never tolerate toxic behavior from their fans and would never engage to such negativity. Just another empty space. People filling empty space, then full of it on empty days is a direct reference to the haters. These people who spread negativity online are sad, unfulfilled people who are frustrated at themselves for not having a better life than what they have. They feel empty inside and are desperate to have even the slightest significance. The lines Blood is rising up, veins, popping out. New moon, just back me up 'cause we don't want to get there hurricane might mean he's asking for patience and wisdom so he can remain calm and unaffected by the negativity.

I don't want to participate
The only time I play is when I shoot just to kill the "J"
No plan to make it rain, so don't act the fool
I'm keeping cool, get outta my face (Get outta here)
Before I let loose all hell on you
I just want to get by these with ease
Hit pause from ironing all of the crease
Don't care whatever, you do as you please
But don't disturb my peace
Unless you want a taste of these bee's knees

On the second verse, he started by saying I don't want to participate, which may be related to his and his group's practice of not giving the haters and trolls even a second of their time. Then, as someone who loves playing basketball, he used a basketball reference on the line The only time I play is when I shoot just to kill the "J". Shoot the J in basketball means taking the jump shot, or as it is informally called jumper or J. Him saying that he only plays when he shoot to kill the J might mean he plays to stop the one taking the jump shot or whoever is trying to score, which could also mean stopping anyone who's trying to take a shot at him. 

No plan to make it rain, so don't act the fool may mean not ruining something good that is happening or ruining someone's plan, same as the term 'don't rain on my parade'. I'm keeping cool, get outta my face before I let loose all hell on you. I just want to get by these with ease is a mixture of warning to those who would want to provoke him and a statement about wanting to get things by easily. Hit pause from ironing all of the crease could mean to stop dwelling on things that is beyond his control. The lines don't care whatever, you do as you please, but don't disturb my peace unless you want a taste of these bee's knees is another warning to anyone who would want to mess with him. He doesn't care what you do as long as you don't cross him.

The first track of the Laon album alone is already rich with references and double meanings. This is one of the many reasons why Pablo's fans were excited about him releasing his own album. With him, you don't just get great music. Your brain will be satisfied with stimulation and your new learnings, not to mention the climactic feeling that his powerful voice can give.  

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