

Photo from PABLO's IG


Pablo once said that he would never the typical idol that people expects. He wears his garbage, and he feels good and at the same time bad about it. He never aimed to be perfect nor to be seen as one. His whole personality and aura would make you feel that even if you're worst person on this earth, he would still give you a chance. He would try to understand you and the things that you did without judgement. It's one of the reason why he makes everyone around him feel okay about being themselves, but many of us wondered, is he ever affected by the harsh words of their haters?

Sometimes, maybe, but knowing Pablo as the man that he is, it is safe to assume that he still gets hurt. What's amazing about him is the fact that even if words hurt him, he overcomes. His faith has become so strong that he's practically indestructible. He has his faith to turn to whenever things get so tough, and he is surrounded by wonderful people that love him with all their hearts. Those are probably the main reasons why despite the heavy emotions on his songs, they are all full of hope and meaningful messages.

I don't really care if you like me
I've been trying hold the piss, it's a nightmare
If you not getting my vibe, why should I care?
Shut your trap and just be quiet, give the mic, yeah, mic, yeah
I don't really care if you like me
I've been trying hold the piss, it's a nightmare
If you not getting my vibe, why should I care?
Shut your trap and just be quiet, give the mic, yeah, mic, yeah

The second track on his LAON album has happy sound with a hopeful and freeing meaning. The chorus talks about his feelings towards the people around him, specifically whether they like him or not. Why would he care if people like him or not? If anyone dislikes, all they can do is suck it up. I've been trying hold the piss , it's a nightmare could mean that he used to get affected by the negativity and walk on egg shells to please people just many of us, but he finally learned his lesson. The only thing that matters is what the people who loves him think.

Just keep it rolling, Maestro
'Cause I got a lot to get off of my chest, Ernesto
Had enough of this BS, I gotta let go
For there's too much toxic inside of mе need Pepto-Bismol
All I want's independеnce
But y'all actin' a fool, pushin' me to the limits
Even after I told you, Bozo's, mind your own business
Nosy ass pinocchio, dang, hihilig sa chismis
And they be asking, oh

In terms of rhyming, wordplays, double entendre, and idiomatic expressions, Pablo is easily at the top of the list of Filipino songwriters and artists. He can easily create bars packed with everything a linguist could ever hoped for. The first verse of his song, Don't Care, has a number of references. First of which is maestro, a term commonly associated with classical music conductor and distinguished musicians. Next is Pepto-Bismol, a medicine used mostly for heartburn and acid reflux. He also used the term Bozo, which means stupid, rude or insignificant. This word's origin is unknown but it is reported to had been used since the 1920s. Lastly, he used Pinocchio, a fairytale character of a wooden puppet that turned into a kid with a nose that grows longer every time he lies.

The entire verse discussed about how he simply wants to keep going because he got a lot in his chest that he needs to unload. He already had enough of the crap people had been giving him. He also acknowledged the toxicity that surrounds him and admitted that he wants is independence. Pablo wants people around him to mind their own business and stop exerting so much effort in gossip.

What happened to you?
Guess you're now showing us the real you!
Okay, all day, saint is due
Slap you in the face, now here's the truth

This pre-chorus is about two-faced people. They are those who would show kindness towards you and then talk smack behind your back. He possible had to weed out these kinds of people in his life many times over, just like any of us. Finally, he's done and he has had enough.

Kakapagod naman na talaga
Pagbigyan lahat ng gusto nila
Meron at meron pa ring masasabi
Ang mga talangka, 'lang 'ya (Lang 'ya)
Got to go, need a petrol for my pajero
'La nang pera, pero run you over, lo quiero ghetto (Vroom)
Pedal to the full metal, I'ma get on it
'Cause I'm gettin' pissed off
Of this never ending asking, oh

On the second verse, he admitted that it is exhausting to do everything just to please people. He realized that no matter what he does, crappy people will always have something to say. Pablo also used a metaphor: talangka from the phrase utak talangka that refers to people who likes to drag others down. Lo quiero ghetto is a Spanish phrase that means I want it ghetto. This specific line could be re-written as I want it, ghetto that means he's calling somebody a ghetto and telling that person that he wants it. Considering that it followed the line 'La nang pera, pero run you over, it would actually make sense. It's as if he's telling he wants to metaphorically run over someone.

Why should I care about the things you have to say?
No matter what I do, y'all hate me anyway
'Cause I'm keeping it "Friday!"
But with you, it's always "Monday"
Now, I can't enjoy, "Sunday"
For God's sakes, give me a break

The bridge part of the song is a chef's kiss, but it not surprising anymore, considering Pablo is well-known for his hooks, adlibs, and bridges. The way he exerts so much efforts in these parts of any song he writes, compose, and produce because unbeknownst to most people, these parts are what make a song better. We can say that they are simple aspects of a song, but they add so much flavor that elevates the artistry of the piece. He used three days of the week to represent a situation or a condition. He said he's keeping it Friday, and for most working people, Friday is the best day because it's the last day of the week that they has to work. He followed it up with but with you, it's always Monday, which is commonly the busiest and most stressful day of the week. Pablo ended the bridge with now, I can't enjoy, "Sunday". For God's sakes, give me a break. The way this line was written, it could mean that he didn't even had a chance to enjoy and it's already Sunday, the last day a working person could rest.

All of us could learn a thing or two from this song. Whether you like him or not, he spits fact. You shouldn't care about what people think or say about you. It's not important and has nothing to do with you. Regardless of what people say, you do you and should be happy about it. Don't let the world take over your peace and happiness.

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